Backtracking a little

I decided to take advantage of the sub-freezing temperatures, snow and ice by doing a little foundation and obedience work the last couple weeks. I think that I haven’t been doing enough foundation work as dogs need this periodically to “remind them” of concepts they have learned in the past. Though we are doing advanced drills and concepts in the field, I was getting some … Continue reading Backtracking a little

Poor man triples for improving memory

Added some new video on the YouTube channel of the boys doing poor man’s triples, which means that I am using a hand held launcher to get the third mark down, I am a “poor man” with no helper. I try to post video that has errors and mistakes so you can see how I am dealing with them – perfect performance videos don’t teach … Continue reading Poor man triples for improving memory

The Five Point Drill and Work / Life Balance

The boys had a particularly awesome training session today out in the field. We did the five point drill, which is basically the nine point drill but with five points instead of nine – ha. Not rocket science I guess. The blinds were all completely cold. One was in the middle of heavy swampy cover (remember we trained the quad-brush drill so they were prepared … Continue reading The Five Point Drill and Work / Life Balance