Dealing with cast refusals

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I was getting some cast refusals from Prinz in a group session and again while doing a nine point drill. I was unclear if there was some issue where he was not understanding (he has cataracts, could be hearing loss, etc.) or did he understand but chose to do his own way. This is no problem to figure out with the modified double T drill! Since I knew Q would also benefit, he got to do it too. This was a drill I did when I was teaching handling from the Tri-Tronics book, I simplified it even further and we do it in the training yard, NOT the field so as not to create any hot spots out in the field. Yard is for teaching, field is for training. Here is the drill and also it is in the drills page.

It is setting up a scenario where I know he will want to do something other than what I want him to do so that I can train through it using the collar.

First I did a nick / back #1, no problem there. For number 2 I sent as for #1 then whistle sit and left over. He went back so I sat him again, nick, over. He refused again so nick / over and he did it. He clearly knew what I wanted, but didn’t trust me that that way had a bumper too and wanted to go the way he knew, but I got him to go my way and he got the retrieve. Great training! For number 3 I lined him up intending to line straight to it but he veered back as for #1 again so it was a sit / angle back. Same thing again, he needed a nick / back correction and then he got it. For number 4, I lined him up as for #1 again then sat him, gave him a right over. Now this one in my mind is the most challenging because he has to go past $3 and it’s a really long over. He took the over cast, started to look like he would veer to # 3 so I sat him and gave him the over, no nick, and he went right to it. This nice session just really clarified some things in his mind that he must go as directed. He needed less correction each time. Q’s session was actually very similar so I won’t go into detail, good boys I’m so jazzed that they are getting this. Please share your favorite drills on the drill page if you have one.

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