Good dogs do Mark line drills

Took the boys for some mark/ line drills today. Check out their videos on our YouTube channel!

The goal is to get them to WANT to go to the old fall but GUIDE them to go to the blind anyway. I train by the tail these days so please watch their tails. They are wagging all the way through this challenging drill. That is what you really want to see.

In this drill the marks were fired by remote controlled Thunder Launchers- the dogs really love these so it makes it extra challenging, which is what I wanted as we’ve worked up to this.

First they do a 75 yard blind, return to heel then hold the bumper while I fire the first mark AWAY from the blind to the right and I send them to retrieve the mark. Then the blind again, dogs tend to veer to the old fall but neither of mine did. Good dogs!

They hold the bumper while the next mark fires, OVER the line that the blind it on. Q had a little trouble here but I told him to hold it and he did great, then sent for that mark. They really really love this. Then the blind again, Q had a little trouble here too and went for the old fall but I walked him through it with whistles and back cast, redid it and he lined right to it! Good dog! Prinz had no trouble with any of it, good dog, bad trainer, as I need to make his more challenging so he gets more out of it. Best way to do this next time, is send him for the blind with the mark still on the ground so I have to guide him away from it with casting.

Good little drill for my dogs training for senior hunters. Nothing like hunting over a well trained dog you trained yourself!

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