Winter games

We had an ice storm where I could not take the dogs hunting or training because it was a skating rink then a wind storm where we could not go out and get hit by tree branches, we’ve been doing this game for years and they never tire of it! Now some have told me it doesn’t work, the secret is the toy I use is only used for this game this game only, never at any other time so they love it more! Now don’t be surprised if they knock you over to get it.

Now one other thing, select a toy that doesn’t squeak if your dog is in force fetch or has any type of hard mouth or chomping issues.

Just see the Youtube channel for a video of Q playing the game. If you have multiple dogs you must kennel them so the working dog can get his just rewards. They will be super chill and tired after a few times of this game you will be playing it over and over.

Storms over we went and did one for ones today, Prinz did great and lined his blinds was not phased or try to head for the second gunner, and big surprise Q nailed this drill lined the blind way better than last time where he tried to go for the other mark not get the blind but this time, no problem! Straight to everything, held his last retrieve until I sent him didn’t futz at the line he was amazing! Now time to make this drill more challenging, good activity for the winter.

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